Ideals are the principles you set aside and strive to pursue as an individual goal. They act as the magnetic north of your moral universe, keeping you centered and true to yourself. If they are set right and pursued with a wholehearted commitment they can transform your life.
The term “ideal” is also used in the abstract to mean an ideal standard of excellence, and sometimes implies that the standard is only a concept, not real. The concept or standard can be applied to people or conduct.
In mathematics the term “ideal” (plural: ideals) is a subring of rings that are closed by multiplication by the elements of the ring. It also has specific absorption properties. Richard Dedekind, a German mathematician, introduced the concept of an “ideal” in 1871. It has evolved into a crucial tool in the field of lattice theory as well as in many other areas of algebra.
A number ring can only be considered to be perfect If all of its main factors are non-zero. This ring is referred to as a commutative.
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A group can also be ideal only if it contains an additive subgroup. For example, the simple algebraic integers generated by 2 and 12 are ideal because each element is a multiple of 2 and hence my review here is divisible by 2.